Our Leadership

In the Waldorf school system the position of principal is replaced by a College of Teachers. The C.O.T. holds the pedagogical and spiritual well-being of the school. The College consists of 8 experienced teachers, who meet once a week to attend to the overall running of the school and address issues of discipline, finances, staff and parent needs, requests and complaints. They conduct interviews, do correspondence and oversee administrative concerns. The College holds the wellbeing of the children at the heart of all decisions.

The main reason for this governing body being a team of people is because we believe in community and consider the skills acquired through circle management and leadership extremely beneficial.

The Board of Management manages the financial and legal interest of the school and meet twice a term. Each Board member serves voluntarily for a minimum of 2 years and is elected at the AGM by the parent body. The Board is made up of parents, teachers, administration staff and a bursar. Each Board member holds a portfolio and is part of a smaller mandated group that is responsible for various projects in the school. This ensures a smooth management of the school and essential areas are continuously worked on and developed. The current implementation of mandated groups include: Finance, Enrolment, Administration, Development, Environment, Sponsorship, Public Relations, Fundraising, Security and Maintenance.

Every term the College of Teachers and Board of Management come together in a “Big Circle” meeting where various themes and discussions take place. This meeting is important for nurturing the relationship between the two governing bodies.