
We would love to hear from our past pupils and find out what they have achieved and experienced since their days at Imhoff Waldorf School. Below is some news on past pupils.



On a rare sunny day in June , as I sat perched on a rock in the forest watching my class play a game of wave amongst the fynbos ,  I felt a great sense of gratitude.

Grateful that the children in my care have the freedom to play and immerse themselves in the wilderness of our forest , a rarity in the world we live in today. Grateful too that my parents took a chance on this pioneering school in the forest , Imhoff Waldorf School , over 25 years ago and continued to choose the school for my siblings over the years.

My strongest memories of primary school are of being immersed in the natural environment – finding secret hideouts in the buchu bushes and swinging without fear from the pine trees. Primary years filled with lots of play in nature and exploring our exciting curriculum set me up with solid foundations to take on the challenges of Fish Hoek High School.

After three exhilarating years at a big school I had the opportunity to finish off my schooling at Constantia Waldorf School. Having received the gift of Waldorf education I wished to explore it further and so I went to study at the Centre for Creative Education. After graduating my partner , now husband,  and I wished to fulfil our dream of traveling and seeing the world by going to teach overseas.

My journey of teaching started with teaching English to young children in Taiwan but I very soon found myself teaching at a Waldorf inspired kindergarten in Hong Kong. Hong Kong was our base for a few years but we missed the wild oceans and beautiful mountains of the Cape and returned home. I worked for two enriching years as a primary school assistant at Michael Oak Waldorf school over the Covid period.

After a wonderful experience at Michael Oak I was feeling very ready for my own class and was very excited to see the post for Class 1 at Imhoff Waldorf starting in 2022. I feel honoured to be back where I spent many happy years and to have the job of guiding the children in my care on their primary school journey.  I look forward to seeing them continue to blossom in the freedom that our spacious grounds and beautiful forest uniquely offers them at Imhoff Waldorf School.

Holly Then….

Holly Now



Sino at aged 9 and a recent photo from her Valedictory Day at Michael Oak Waldorf School.

We congratulate Sinokuhle Jamba who began her Waldorf school journey at Imhoff Waldorf School in the Playgroup, went through the Primary School with Teacher Fezile Mdzinwa and Teacher Alex Stott. Sino has just graduated with matric from Michael Oak Waldorf School with a Bachelors Pass and two distinctions! She is now studying at Stellenbosch University.

Sino says:

Now I’m studying a BA in Humanities and I want to major in Psychology. One thing I really loved about Imhoff Waldorf was the teacher’s willingness to help me, because it made me feel more motivated to do better with my schooling.

My first few weeks at Varsity have been a huge change from high school but I’m really enjoying it. I feel more independent and I really love that.

Congratulations Sino and all the best for your future !