We would like to introduce you to our sponsorship programme. With the school’s inception in 1996 sponsorship was an integral part of the original vision of this new school. We continue to strive to uphold this necessary endeavour.
One of the biggest challenges facing our society is to lift the quality and creativity of our education after the devastating effects of apartheid. Parents know that quality education is essential for their children’s future and many living in the poorer communities close to our school value the aspirations of Imhoff Waldorf School. They see the worthiness of our child-centred approach, and the nurturing and creative environment which thrives on cultural diversity.
Our Aim
Imhoff strives to support parents and children in retaining their cultural heritage while building a solid foundation for their education. This plays a key role in social enrichment and fosters an integrated community of belonging, respect, equality and diversity through shared responsibility.
To meet these aims, and needs, we have a dedicated sponsorship programme through which ten percent of the children in our school are supported.
Due to the high levels of unemployment, household budgets are very strained. Large families often depend on one earner or small social grants. Although many parents prioritise spending on education they cannot afford the fees. School life provides an important source of stability for the children. Our current aim is to cover the children’s school tuition as many do not have full sponsorship.
Many individuals both locally and from Europe support this programme, primarily through Die Freunde – some gift full sponsorship while others contribute a part of the tuition. Trusts are also sponsors as are a number of Waldorf Schools in Germany.
Some quotes from parents
“What I appreciate most about Imhoff Waldorf is how the teachers teach the kids, they are loving and nurturing and pay special attention to each child. They make the children feel comfortable and willing to come back each day … My boys totally love school just to see their teachers, sing and most importantly learn and have fun.” Kindergarten and Toddler Group parent
“What I appreciate most about the school is how the teachers go over and beyond if my child is struggling in class. The school teaches the child in a way that is not too stressful which then makes their journey beautiful.” Parent of child in Class 5
“My child has built so much self esteem, self discipline. I feel that when a child feels good about themselves they develop social skills, behave more appropriately and become aware of the world around him.” Parent of child in Class 1
“As a parent of children attending Imhoff Waldorf School I’m so lucky to be one of the sponsored parents. My experience at Imhoff Waldorf School is amazing and my children would not have attended the school if it wasn’t for the good hearted, giving sponsors. I could not afford the school fees even if I so much wanted to send my children.So from the bottom of my heart I thank the wonderful sponsors for giving my two children the opportunity to experience a different education other than the only options our community has.
My children amaze me at times with their creativity,open mindedness and free spirit and that has a lot to do with their surroundings at school and the teachers are the best. The teacher gets to know your children, their likes and dislikes and so much more. I find it quite amazing and the education is excellent on another level. The kids are allowed their own space to develop, they are relaxed doing so (not under any pressure whatsoever) I can go on and on but I will say one thing I will recommend Imhoff Waldorf School to any and everyone and I’m so happy and lucky as a parent to have my children attend Imhoff Waldorf School and I always pray that it will continue as such.
God bless Imhoff Waldorf School , the sponsorships , the teachers and all the help that is received from others . “ Parent of children in Kindergarten and Class 1
“I like the way creativity is encouraged at the school. Perhaps it will be the way to a job in the arts.”
“I was impressed with how self-motivated my child has become.”
“We are seeing the vision of our life change because of your sponsorship. Our daughter is always happy and free. She can give speeches, sing, act and more activities. We are fulfilled and hope to see our daughter change our family to a better level.”
Sponsorship Newsletters
IWS Newsletter June 2023