Buy-A-Brick Fundraising Campaign

“Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

In 2019 Waldorf Education celebrates its 100th year of existence. They say it takes a village to raise a child… we believe it takes a community to build a school. With the centenary celebration of Waldorf Education in mind, we would like to invite parents and friends of Imhoff Waldorf to help us build our school brick-by-brick.

Buy a brick…or two..or four…for $10 each (or +/- ZAR150) and be part of this legacy.

Help us build our School

Nelson Mandela understood that our only hope to change our future is through education. Last year we celebrated Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday in South Africa where we were all challenged with the mandate to BE THE LEGACY of positive change that Mandela envisioned for the country.

We at Imhoff Waldorf School have been building towards change in our local community through creating access to our holistic education system, through our inclusive sponsorship programme and fee structure. And rooted in environmental conservation, our school also raises our children to respect and look after their environment.

Our Story

Founded in 1996, our beautiful school is located in Kommetjie near Cape Point at the tip of South Africa. True to Waldorf’s pedagogy, we are a not-for-profit, co-educational and non-denominational school, and our parents and teachers come from all cross-sections of society. Our school’s constitution strives to ensure that children from previously disadvantaged communities can attend and be integrated into our community and currently some 10% of our 220 or so enrolments are sponsored.

Our school receives no funding from the South African Government’s Department of Education. The school is self-sufficient, totally off the grid, reliant on solar and wind energy, and attained Silver in 2016 having been registered with WESSA Eco-Schools since 2006. The school is also an accredited Ashoka Africa change-maker school.

Our Next Chapter

Entering our next chapter, we would like to invite you to be part of our exciting story. Please help us build our new Waldorf eco-school, on our own pristine property. This is our Centenary School Project.

Our vision is for this school to become a place of academic excellence, aesthetic beauty and pioneering in terms of environmental sensitivity.

We need you

Although our Centenary School Project is already underway, we need your help to make it a success. We have purchased the land and the site is being prepared. As part of 100 years of Waldorf Education, we would like to challenge our Waldorf friends to join in our ‘buy-a-brick’ campaign.

We need to sell 100 000 bricks at $10 /R150 each to help us reach our goal. By buying a brick or two, or three – you are building a school that will advocate positive change, both environmentally and socially – a legacy for education in South Africa. Buy-a-brick today to invest in this legacy.

Donate now. For international payments find banking details below.

Banking details:
Non Profit Organisation 2012/215475/08
Public Benefit Organisation 930 018 698
For South African donors, we can issue a Section 18A Tax Certificate (for donations over $100).

Standard Bank of South Africa, Imhoff Fundraising
Account Number 073 812 846
Sort Code 036009