The next chapter of Imhoff Waldorf School’s story

It is a truly rare phenomenon when a conversation amongst like-minded people becomes a reality. This is the story of Imhoff Waldorf School. In 1996 a few concerned parents gathered to discuss the future of their children. They wanted their children to learn about, live close to and respect nature. The Waldorf curriculum offered a […]

Dragon Tree Project

Dragon Tree Project Call to Parents for Active Resource

The Imhoff Waldorf School is excited to share that our Dragon Tree Project is gathering momentum behind the scenes.  For those of you who are new to the term, the Dragon Tree Project is Imhoff Waldorf’s School Building and Development project. Over the past 6 years the School’s Board of Managers (BOM), together with a […]

We’ve Bought Land

It is with great excitement and gratitude that we can announce that Imhoff Waldorf School has bought land at Imhoff Farm designated for construction of the new school premises. Financing of the purchase has been secured through Imhoff Campus – our development partners who have similarly confirmed purchase of the adjacent portion of land, with […]