The College of Teachers would like to express our appreciation for and acknowledgement of each and every High School staff member, student and parent whose lives have been influenced by the extremely difficult decision taken to close our Imhoff Waldorf High School.
We recognise and are immensely grateful for the manner in which our High School teachers have stood together, sharing their commitment, support, care and warmth for each student while continuing to meet the teaching and curriculum requirements over this year of uncertainty in the life of the High School.
It is an enormous testimony to all of the teachers, parents and students who have had the courage and determination to pioneer and grow our high school to this point in time where the spirit of Imhoff Waldorf High School lives so strongly in many individuals. As a result, we are all experiencing an incredible sadness and hurt around the controversial decision that needed to be taken to close the High School.
As a College of Teachers and Board of Management we are committed to the immediate need to build our new pre- and primary school classrooms on our own land and to take occupation on the new site at the end of 2019. However, all planning into the future includes an area for a High School development to ensure that there will be a home for the High School spirit that, we all know, will be calling to be rekindled and reborn.
College of Teachers
Imhoff Waldorf School