Invitation to manage and share Imhoff Waldorf Thrift Store

Dear Parents

We are constantly looking to supplement the current school fee income to support our well nurtured sponsorship program.

At this time, we would like to bring forward an income generating idea that the board, teachers and admin team have agreed on.

This idea – Imhoff Waldorf Thrift Store – requires a parent to run and take benefit from financially jointly with the school. The idea is to work with the growing thrifting trend which will enable us to have a small store on site to increase footfall and visits from the broader community. Indirectly this idea has been created to encourage enrolment and to provide a much-needed service to help parents declutter and to reuse, recycle, rehabilitate old items for resale as well as providing a small business opportunity where the sky is the limit if you want it to be.

We propose the use of a Wendy House, a new acquisition planned for the school, as the venue for the Thrift Store and to have set times for the opening and closing of the store – at this time the school has approved Friday afternoons from 12pm and are happy to consider additional days based on uptake and feedback.

The parent involved will be required to:

  • Treat this endeavour as their own business
  • Handle the logistics in opening and closing of the store
  • Accept donations of items and clothing
  • Sift, sort and mark items
  • Be available as the shop steward
  • Provide social media content for the store
  • Note sales in a ticket book
  • Agree on a profit share arrangement with IWS


We therefore invite you to submit your proposal to us by 7 August 2023 for the school to consider.


Best wishes

Liza King

Chairperson of the Board