With the water crisis in Cape Town deepening, Imhoff Waldorf School is obliged to take drastic measures to reduce our water consumption. We are working towards being totally independent of municipal water. We will continue to keep you updated weekly. We thank you for your support in being water wise and continued support of the school. The following systems are being put into motion to prepare ourselves.
In the Primary School
Drinking water:
Each child is to bring at least 1.5l drinking water every day. Please supply extra water on sports days.
No flushing after urinating. Lined bins will be provided for toilet paper soiled with urine. A water tank filled with grey water will be used to flush toilets in the interim.
Hand hygiene:
Waterless hand sanitiser will be provided in all bathrooms.
In the Pre-school
Drinking water:
Please could each child is to bring at least 1litre of drinking water for their own use every day. Extra drinking water will be provided at Aftercare.
We understand that the young children from the pre-school will all be in very different developmental stages of toilet habits. In our meeting we discussed and decided it would be best to not have a blanket rule, but that we would leave it to the teachers and assistants to set up what works best for them and their classes. Water will be available for flushing at all times in the pre-school. There are sealable bins next to each toilet for waste toilet paper. Through stories and support we are trying to encourage the children to not flush after a wee, to put the paper into the bin provided, and only flush after a no2.
We are in the process of sourcing a sustainable source of grey water to plumb into our system to use for flushing.
Hand hygiene:
Waterless hand sanitiser will be provided by all teachers in their respective bathrooms. A parent is currently working on a natural mix that is both effective and gentle on the little hands. A bowl of water will be provided for rinsing hands.
Waterless cleaning materials will be sourced.
Harvesting rain water:
We will increase our capacity to collect rain water by installing 2 more rain water tanks to classrooms.
Fire safety:
3 x 5000l tanks will be kept full, for use in the event of us needing to fight fire.
Should you have ideas or input, please contact Stefanie on stefanie@imhoffwaldorf.org.
Stefanie Roux, School Coordinator