News from Class 1 and Harvest Festival

We have come to the end of the first term and it has most certainly been an incredible start to the year. The Class 1s have been very busy and have settled in well to the new routines and rhythms that have come their way. We have been travelling and visited three ‘kingdoms’  – the Kingdom of Colour, the Kingdom of Letters and the Kingdom of Numbers. In each of the kingdoms a story is told to introduce form, a letter, a number and hidden morals that go with the children and sit deeply within them. They have been introduced to many new and exciting characters and have enjoyed every moment of it. They show so much enthusiasm and eagerness to learn in everything that they do. I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment with them.

During the last week of term each class prepare a craft for our Harvest Festival which is held on the last day of the term. The craft that each class has prepared is then displayed for the whole school to see in our movement room and our special Festival Assembly. It is really a wonderful time for the children to admire and see the craft that each class has prepared. Before attending the festival assembly, the Class 1s and their buddies in Class 7 will be embarking on an egg hunt in one of the Kindergarten gardens which they have really been looking forward to. Each class then will go back to their classrooms to have a small feast together before going off on holiday.

In Class 1, we made beautifully colourful eggs for the festival. We used crepe paper and water to dye our blown eggs. The children did this with much excitement and went home with very colourful hands which they absolutely loved and thought it was very cool and funny.

My class and I have really had a wonderful first term together and I am so looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer and the many more places and characters that we will meet throughout the year together.

Shelby Hadwen, Class 1 Teacher