School Structures at Imhoff Waldorf


The school operates on a mandate system whereby groups of committed persons are mandated to  fulfill certain responsibilities. Parents are encouraged to give of their time, either to these groups or to specific projects that arise from time to time.

Pre-School (which comprises of the Toddler Group,  Playgroup and Kindergarten) and Primary School faculties meet once a week. Laura Moss is the Pre-School faculty  chairperson and Candice Du Plessis is the Primary School faculty chairperson The two groups meet  collectively at least once a month to discuss day-to-day school issues, and provide support for each other and the children in their care.  Applications on the enrolment waiting lists are also presented to the faculty as part of the application  process, and this, as well as a credit check is done before the next step can be taken in the enrolment process. 

The College of teachers is responsible for all pedagogical matters and the daily running of the school. The current members of college are: Stefanie Roux, Laura Moss, Caroline Joseph, Nan Raubenheimer, Fezile Mdzinwa, Daniel Raubenheimer (Chairperson), Belinda Fellion, Ester Ruttmann and Candice Du Plessis.  The College meet every Monday afternoon, and tasks are rotated and shared.  The members study together, conduct interviews, receive visitors, handle correspondence and address discipline issues and other problems that have not been dealt with in the weekly teachers’ meetings.  There is a holding slot in the office for receiving correspondence, or it can be emailed to All  correspondence is dealt with in confidence. Correspondence should reach the school by Monday 08h00 for inclusion on the agenda for that week, although it may be held over for a week, depending on pressure of other  business. If parents have a concern about a child or the school, it is preferably addressed through the Class Teacher first.  However such issues may be brought to the attention of the College of Teachers.

In terms of the Trust deed of the Imhoff Waldorf School Association, the Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the objective of the Trust is achieved, essentially to organize and promote the teaching of children in accordance with the principles and methods expounded by Rudolf Steiner. The Trustees are ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability and the legal and financial stability of the school. In order to ensure that they fulfill these responsibilities the Trustees meet six times a year and are guided by a formal charter. The Trustees comprise of a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve members, at least three of which need to be teachers.  The parent members are selected annually  which is made up of two members each from College, the current Trustees and the Class Reps. The Trustees can co-opt new members in the course of the year where space allows. The treasurer and bursar are ex-officio members of the Trustees. The Trustees have delegated certain responsibilities to various sub-committees and working groups. Current members of the Board Of Management are: Francis Lacey (Chairman), David Evans, Sue Bassett, Danielle Helme, Glenda Capra, Daniel Raubenheimer, Ester Ruttmann, Stefanie Roux, Sonja Borodin-Sleigh, Claire Walter and Cassandra Hunter (Board Secretary).


The Finance Committee is responsible for administration efficiency, financial systems, planning, monthly management accounts, banking, the annual budget, recommended fee increases, appointment of the auditors and the annual audit and the annual financial statements.

The Sponsorship Committee is committed to community development and to supporting diversity.  The sponsorship team manages sponsored families from disadvantaged backgrounds.  This includes finding sponsors, dealing with pedagogical factors and supporting them with transport and so on.

The Internal Fundraising Committee is responsible for raising funds for the development of the school.  The primary function of the fundraising portfolio is to manage and oversee all fundraising events for the school.

Dragon Tree Project (DTP) Fundraising Committee is committed to supporting the active role of sourcing and raising funds for the building and development of the new school.

Dragon Tree Project (DTP) Build Team is committed to collaborate with the architect and other professional teams to see through the process of building the new Imhoff Waldorf School. The Build Team consists of David Evans, Francis Lacey, Stefanie Roux and Daniel Raubenheimer.

The Aftercare Committee is responsible for the co-ordination and smooth running of the Aftercare Facility.  Pre-school aftercare is offered Monday-Friday from 12H30-15H00.  Primary School aftercare is being held by Bilqis Pandey and Pre-school aftercare is being held by Gizelle Downes.

The Class Reps are responsible for the communication between parents, teachers, College and Trustees, as well as for raising parents’ concerns and insights. Each class has a parent or parents (Reps) who act as liaison between parents and teacher.  They are a  communication channel for the class family and help to organize class events, fundraising and fair activities. They meet as a group twice a term, and Teacher, College and Trustee representatives also attend this meeting. The class rep is selected by the class teacher/guardian of that class.

The Admin Group is responsible for the administration of the school. The members of the group are: Sonja Borodin-Sleigh (Financial Coordinator), Stefanie Roux (School Coordinator), Claire Walter (Marketing & Enrolment Coordinator) and Cassandra Hunter (Pre & Primary Secretary).

FINANCIAL MATTERS Monthly payments are due by the 7th of each month in advance. An admin fee will be charged if your account is in arrears.  Full fees are payable even if your child is travelling for a period of time. We can guarantee holding your child’s place at school for a maximum period of 3 months and on condition that full fees are paid.  Accounts will be emailed to a nominated email address. In the event that you do not have an email address, the account will be sent home with your eldest child.

Imhoff Waldorf School