He didn’t visit this time! At last year’s Fair, He made it nearly impossible to: a) ignore one’s goose bumps and b) acquiesce to children’s demands for ice-cream. The mean old wind, that’s who.
The collective let out a sigh on Saturday morning and, after the good omen of fine weather, we could relax into our pre-Fair ritual of set-up, straightening up the dress-up, parade and Maypole dance. Some have another ritual – the likes of Stefanie, Dzorai, John Parker and others – who spend their Fair morning not scrambling for Prestik and string, but out in parking arenas playing CAR WARS, each one an island and a compass.
The day of the Maypole dance parents of Class 5 have an air about them… a proud-nervous-anticipation. They have watched the Maypole dance for 5 years, some for 10, admiring the intricacy and grace with most of their attention, and with some of it, thinking ‘one day MY CHILD will perform this same dance!’. Post-maypole, trading could begin at the variety of stalls whilst in the background, local duo, Horizon’s Tale, opened the Fair with heart and soul. We had some special visitors – Estelle Briar, master puppeteer and founder of the Rainbow Puppet Theatre at Constantia Waldorf School and alumnus Gabriel Dowling, with his Herpetological Exploration – Snakes Alive.
It is a joy to share our school with members from the larger community – new faces that easily stick out. Their exclamations Janis’ delicious Very Veggie meals were loud and clear. Our Class 9’s, who’ve recently performed Shakespeare, had the Horror House on offer, an absolute delight and fright.
The Craft Shop was abundant with months’ worth of needle-and-woodwork by Captains Marisa and Quilene and their team and the surrounds of Class 7 were abuzz with an ambitious number of stalls and activities. There was so much work, seen and unseen. They say that work is love, made visible. Our school was given much love through the Fair.
Par for the course, the sugar from the staff room was used up during the Fair, and so Monday morning saw teachers drinking green coffee and tea, sweetened with the Fair’s leftover candyfloss sugar. One cannot underestimate the pleasure to be found in teasing an exhausted colleague over the hue of their caffeinated beverage.
This Fair was held at a time when our school is dealing with the recent news about the cessation of the High School year-end. With that, there was an acute awareness that at next year’s Fair, there will be no High School teachers and children. The gravity of this impending change is constantly carried.
It is also the end of an era in that the great red tent won’t be on the sandy playfield next year as it’s part of the land that Imhoff Farm are developing.
For many, theses impending changes bring an increased appreciation for what we currently have as a school community. Let strength and courage be found in the times we share as a three-fold community of children, parents and teachers.
By Cassandra Hunter