The Enviro Group

The Enviro-Group is a group of teachers and parents who look at the environmental issues each year and do a report to achieve the school’s Green Flag status. This year, the group has decided on a theme of community health for the green flag. It includes local and community issues, health, and carbon footprints.
We have decided to showcase a few of the businesses within our community who are promoting healthy, conscious living in each Indaba.
This month’s two parents presented are promoting health in African-based businesses:

Samantha Skyring has a child Kieron in class 3:
Oryx Desert Salt is a natural, crystal-white salt – unrefined, sun-dried, and free from additives and preservatives.  This salt contains the essential, natural minerals and trace elements, in the correct balance, for your body to absorb and utilise for optimal functioning, vitality and health. It is harvested in a sustainable manner from a remote and pristine area of the vast Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Here, salt water from an ancient underground lake, fed by subterranean streams, is laid to rest on a pan, sun-dried and harvested.
Oryx Desert Salt is committed to supplying an ethically harvested, sustainable and renewable desert salt that has an exceptional taste, and enriches the flavour of your food.
In July 2000 Samantha Skyring, Oryx Desert Salt’s CEO, walked 120km / 7 days through the Namib Desert from Hartmans Valley along the Kunene River to reach the Skeleton Coast. She had several powerful and incredible face to face encounters with Oryx Gazella (gemsbok).
When she was creating the brand for desert salt from the Kalahari, it was her Oryx experiences that immediately sprang to mind. Sam did some research and discovered that the Oryx Gazella can apparently go up to two years without water, but not 2 months without licking salt for the sodium chloride, minerals and trace elements vital for its survival in the harsh conditions of the Kalahari Desert.
Samantha Skyring can be contacted by (021) 788 5078/ 0744138646 or

All boxes and grinders

Arianna and Kuda have a girl, Luna, in Joy’s class and run Earthtribe together.
Earthtribe  is a unique ethical and local business, bringing traditional organic African superfoods and the continent’s best beauty and body products to the conscious consumer.
Earthtribe took root when Kuda and Arianna connected, from two different worlds – Zimbabwe and Italy respectively. They have scoured the continent for 3 years for the best in organic, fair-trade and ethically sourced products that are uniquely African. The range features powerful african superfoods that are sourced from small rural communities, like “nature’s multivitamin” Moringa powder, a truly West African recipe of Hibiscus and Peppermint tea  and Zimbabwean Baobab super-fruit. Earthtribe has great treats for your skin too with the best kept African beauty secrets like raw Shea butter, anti ageing baobab oil, Moringa Oil, Neem Oil, Marula Oil and black soap. In the interest of treating your mind, body and soul, we have also sourced raw African Frankincense and Myrrh resins from Ethiopia that have a clearing and calming effect when burnt in traditional ways.
“We want to grow a conscious living earth tribe, where the conscious consumer and ethical supplier meet”
As the movement towards true health and conscious living gains momentum and the EarthTribe awakens we believe we can harness the ancient African wisdom and create some awesome ripples of positive change by supplying ethical, environmentally and socially responsible goods.
Check out
