We’ve Bought Land

It is with great excitement and gratitude that we can announce that Imhoff Waldorf School has bought land at Imhoff Farm designated for construction of the new school premises. Financing of the purchase has been secured through Imhoff Campus – our development partners who have similarly confirmed purchase of the adjacent portion of land, with the intent to develop the new high school premises there.

The Dragon Tree Project is gathering momentum with this, the next milestone after our recent environmental authorisation. There will be many more steps upon the way and this particular milestone was one of the great leaps that secure our vision firmly in our sights. We look forward to walking – and occasionally leaping – the rest of this path together.

Join us! To find out more contact office@imhoffwaldorf.org tel: +27(0)21 783 3056 https://www.imhoffwaldorf.org/imhoff-school/development-plans/

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