Friday 26 July marked a sharing of tasks on our new land, to get it ready and prepared for our move in the near future. It was celebrated with a bring-and-share picnic lunch. We brought our trowels, axes, spades, gloves and loads of enthusiasm.
“May there reign here spirit-strength in love; May there work here spirit-light in goodness; Born from certainty of heart, And from steadfastness of soul, So that we may bring to young human beings, Bodily strength for work, Inwardness of soul, Clarity of spirit. May this place be consecrated to such a task; May young minds and hearts here find, Servers of the light, Endowed with strength, Who will guard and cherish them…”
Rudolf Steiner
Thank you to everyone who joined in! The journey of the move has begun!
“Think upon all this. I, too, will think on it, and then our thoughts will meet each other. Yes, we will meet each other!”
Rudolf Steiner