Aftercare is Available for You

Pre-School Aftercare Rhythm

In Waldorf, we often speak about rhythm and each teacher creates a rhythm for his/her own class.

In aftercare, the rhythm is also very important and gives the children a great sense of security. I would like to share the pre-school aftercare daily rhythm with you.

12.30pm – children are brought to aftercare by their morning teacher and they have a chance to meet and free play.

1 pm – Table is set, we wash hands and sit together for the meal.

1.15pm – 1.45pm – We enjoy the food and conversations

1.45pm – 2pm – Children have a chance to play outside while the table is cleared.

2pm – Story and fruit time

2.30pm – Activity of the day or free play 

3.30pm – Afternoon snack

4 – 5pm – We continue with the activity of the day, free play or we join with primary aftercare.

If you need to collect your child during lunch and story time, please come into the space quietly and gently guide your child outside. Please remember to sign the register.

Teacher Paola, Pre-School Aftercare

The Rhythm of Primary Aftercare

The rhythm in Primary aftercare is adapted for the different age groups and varies, based on when school finishes on a particular day.

Class 1, 2 and 3 mostly at 13.00, depending on the day – Free play.

13.20 – We greet each other, wash hands and prepare for the meal.

13.30 – Lunchtime: We then sit down together light a candle and bless the meal. After our beautiful prepared healthy lunch, children wash up their plates.

14.00 – 14.40 – Activity time: Craft, baking or painting.

14.40 – 15.00 – Storytime: The children relax after a long day at school. Usually, Class 1, 2 and 3 children leave at 15:00.

15:00 – 15.45 – Upper Primary children arrive and have a snack.

15.45 – 16.30 – Supervised homework.

16:30 – 17:00 – Craft or Extra-mural activity or Sport.

Wednesdays – Baking activities.

Thursdays – As this is an early day for some, we have painting, outdoor games or board games depending on the weather.


I liaise with the class teachers on suitable activities to do, books to read, etc.

Teacher Giselle, Primary Aftercare

If you are interested in Aftercare please contact:

Pre-School Aftercare: Teacher Paola 082 515 9784

Primary Aftercare: Teacher Giselle 073 816 7392