Playgroup Work Party

What a beautiful morning was had at our First playgroup work party, held last week Tuesday. Thank you dear Playgroup parents for organising and contributing in true Waldorf style to making the morning a success.

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What I love about Imhoff work parties is they are a real community effort. Everyone brings their own special magic to the table.

We had many wheelbarrow rides to the dump with happy smiling children sitting on top, after filling their own wheelbarrows too. There were little hands helping everywhere to compost, rake, dig and carry, then plant..:. And finally, pack away.

What a joy is it to clear the old and make space for the new creative magic. After just two hours we had new garden beds with water-wise plants, a rockery, a fairy garden under a log with its own doorway to t fairyland, a new rope and stronger tyre swing, composted and mulched areas, plus a crystal heart for wishes!

Our Waldorf curriculum is about connecting and respecting nature so after all this love had gone into the garden, it was amazing to see how it inspired the children to care and connect with their surroundings. Also, I found working together and helping each other on a common project very satisfying and nourishing. The children too could see our example of working and caring for the environment. This has given them something positive to imitate and bring into their play. We have had dragonflies and butterflies visiting our new plants and these moments have brought wonder into the morning and moments to stop our busyness and have gratitude for the garden, the environment and each other.

Thanks to Eman Reddy (our garden link) and all the parents and little angels who helped co-create the morning with us.

Teacher Nan, Playgroup.