The Imhoff Waldorf School is excited to share that our Dragon Tree Project is gathering momentum behind the scenes. For those of you who are new to the term, the Dragon Tree Project is Imhoff Waldorf’s School Building and Development project. Over the past 6 years the School’s Board of Managers (BOM), together with a core team of faculty members and parents have been working relentlessly and tirelessly on realising the dream of owning a permanent home for our school.
In November 2016, we were obligated to take out a 20 year bond to fund the purchasing of the property for our school. To secure the bond we activated the DTP Monthly Levy. However, as at 1 April 2017, we will need R5mil in capital donations to commence the Phase 1 building of our school and we now need all the help we can get to secure this fundraising milestone.
We call on you, our dear parents, to actively help us mobilise the capital donations we desperately need and seek to build our new school and bring our dream of a new permanent home for our school into reality.
How you can help:
* By joining us and taking an active role in our fundraising efforts. Any personal resource you may have – spare time, skills, connections – that you believe will benefit our project, please do come forward and share with us.
* By simply talking to your family, friends and business networks, both locally and internationally, about our DTP Fundraising Project and getting them to become a donor, will help tremendously. You may send them our 5-page overview of the project. Please read here for your interest.
The school has developed a formal Policy for commission payable to Members of Imhoff Waldorf NPC, which includes parents. This policy guides how commission will be paid to fundraisers actively and passively involved in assisting the school achieve our goal of building a state-of-the-art Waldorf School. Kindly see a copy of our Policy outlined below.
Imhoff Waldorf Fundraising Policy for commission payable to Members of Imhoff Waldorf School NPC
While it is hoped that everyone will willingly and freely contribute to this endeavour, there is a commission structure that provides a share of funds to members of Imhoff Waldorf School NPC and fundraisers according to three scenarios.
1. Fundraisers receive 5%: Fundraiser secures donation
2. Member receives 1% fundraisers receive 4%: Member and fundraiser are instrumental in securing donation together. Member introduces donor, secures a meeting with fundraiser, provides prospectus and fields questions, provides a site visit if necessary. The minimum contribution required from the Member is that they have contacted the donor and secured a meeting between them and a fundraiser.
3. Member receives 5%: Fundraisers are not involved. Member does all the input required to secure the donation. The threshold for a member to get 1% commission would be for them to have contacted the donor and secured a meeting between the donor and a fundraiser.
Please note: Where a donor states that they do not wish commission to be deducted from their donation then this will be 100% respected and adhered to.
Interesting Fact: On 25th Jan 2017, Tao Lacey became our youngest donor to our Dragon Tree Project. Tao donated R5.00 towards seeing his school being built. Thank you Tao for your generous heart and making DTP history!
Your parent go-to-person is Claire Lacey. Please contact Claire on 0761449093 or 021 7852596 – or chat to her when you see her on the school run – for any questions and queries you may have, and if you would like to get involved.
For more information on our Dragon Tree Project download our marketing brochure on our website and for regular updates like our Facebook Page “Dragon Tree Project” and get the news as it happens, real time. Or pop in at the Dragon Tree Project Hub located next to Stefanie’s office.
Happy fundraising!
Wendy van Schalkwyk
Dragon Tree Project Campaign Manager
Imhoff Waldorf School