The start of things to come

It’s summer in Cape Town and now, more than ever, we have to respect our environment. The drought has hit us all hard and it has become a general custom in Cape Town to share and rejoice in news of each and every raindrop that falls. Nature also shows its gratitude, graciously responding with new life with even the lightest drizzle.

The past few weeks we have had some rain to celebrate, and so the land surrounding our Dragon Tree agrees with bunnytale grass and some colourful vygies popping up and birdsongs filling the trees. With these celebrations we are also proud to share the progress of our project, the start of things to come on our new land.

While the poles of the fence has gone up to visibly secure the boundary of the school, the heart of each of the classrooms has also been pegged. The land is also being cleared as needed, with 24 Stone Pine trees marked to be felled. The timber will be repurposed in the building and landscaping, while the root stumps will be grounded into mulch and sawdust and become part of the building resources.

Our architect, Keith Struthers, will be taking the project forward, developing the rest of the plans on site to ensure the buildings and the environment are in harmony with each other. The project aims to have as little negative impact as possible on the environment during the build. And the school’s off the grid approach to its daily operations will ensure we do our bit to secure the future of our beautiful Cape Town, but more importantly, to secure a future for our children.