A Tribute to the High School, by Joy Levin

The closing of the high school this year was one of the saddest events in Imhoff Waldorf history. The strength and character that had been built by both the teachers and students had a flavor that was so special for our beautiful valley. The vibe on the campus had a sweet, relaxed teenage energy where creativity and life happened.

Our move to Solole brought a whole new closeness to the primary school and amazing campus, but also brought the sadness of Amani’s death and the distress that our valley began to reveal. Our high school stood through it, and grew.

The theatrical performances were top class, and many comments were made that we bested the other Waldorf schools in our Shakespeare and class 12 play (not that we are competitive, we’re Waldorf!). The Rocky Horror was magically done in multiple settings that made the audience feel both special and ready to dance. The teens managed small amounts of clothing while their change room was a tent behind the stage, outside in winter for 7 shows. They revealed that not only could they act, choreograph, dance and sing, they could also pull together and make it happen, no matter how rainy or cold it was. The Shakespeare this year made one laugh into one’s belly, with the most fantastic performance of a class that seemed to be from every community in our valley.

Class 9 Shakespeare 2017

You, high school, showed what could be done to bring Waldorf into a multicultural, spiritual education. The tragedy of needing to close has been a painful birth in the story of our school. We can only hope that it has a purpose to seed one day a new opportunity, to provide the kind of integrated energetic education that these teachers did. In every way, the experiences that the high school created were a great achievement. And the students and teachers were committed to a spiritual path of education that not every parent or child could endure. It has been powerful and we can only hope this can one day seed something new.

Blessings to all on their journey, and for all that got this far.

By Joy Levin

Rocky Horror, Class 12, 2017