![Primary School Work Party](https://www.imhoffwaldorf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/IMG_2718-300x225.jpg)
In the eight years of my life at our school, there has always been that special day, early in the new year, that I look forward to. It is our annual work party day.
I arrive at school on work party day with the list of projects that need to be accomplished. The tasks lie waiting for the magic of combined energies and soon parents and children come through the gates armed with tools and wheelbarrows – eagerly waiting for instructions about where to go and what to do. Teams form and each task is tackled – some needing very creative solutions!
This combined energy is what makes our Imhoff Waldorf School so special – when our parents and children get on with it and make a plan to accomplish whatever is needed, often creating something unique with very few resources.
![Primary School Work Party](https://www.imhoffwaldorf.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/IMG_2702-300x225.jpg)
Teachers will thank the parents who assisted with the individual class projects but I would also like to add a special thank you to those who worked on the communal projects: Creighton – our security hero; Greg and Graeme for creating a shaded area for our learner support classroom; Mark Stonestreet for the sanding the decks; Claire Alberts for the loan of her trusty truck; Adrian Connors for the water saving features at our taps; Al Berg for the mulch solution and great pictures; Adrian, Andy and Gerard for the parking area; and Dzorai for lending an expert hand with the fences; Mark B and Roshanna who planted kei apples and other thorny trees for our new school fence; and Karsten for the pallet fetching.
Most of all, thank you to our beloved Adonis, whose hands are never too full to take on another task.
Thank you to every father, mother, staff member and child who joined us on Saturday we achieved far more than I had hoped for.
by Stefanie Roux
See the lovely pics of this event taken by Al Berg on this link.