St John’s Festival in the Primary School

The Wonder of the Flame  

by Roxie Coppola (13)

The sky was dark and powerful,
The air was cold and damp.
Silence was lurking and watching over us,
And then she struck the match!

It was that flame which we shared,
I could feel the tension as the beings stared.
Yet we held our flame with pride
And the song for the fire we cried.St J, bonfire

Our voices rang in our ears
And the fire bellowed back.
The hungry flames engulfed the wood,
And some felt they were under attack.

The fire leapt up to kiss the sky
Which now glowed with radiant light.
And the calm walked away from the chaos,
And the rest were consumed by the flames.

Yet we in the centre stood in awe
At this monster hungry for more.
Still we had to control this animal
And waited as she sank into the floor.

No more words were spoken
As we returned to our lives.
And the night was dark once again
As we went back to our disguise.


by Pippa Solomon, parent

“St John’s, St John’s the messenger of light,
Who kindled the fire in the dark winter’s night”

The festival of St John’s celebrates the fire of the spirit within the human being. The cold and darkness of winter is a metaphor for the times wheSt J, Class 7s

n we lose faith in ourselves and our trust in the greater outworkings of life. During these times we need to keep our inner light alive.

In Waldorf Schools the festival of John the Baptist is a very special time and a deep honouring of the light within. Each child lights their own candle and then walks to the community fire where they add their light. In the midst of the dark and cold and often the rain, we sing and smile and warm ourselves by the community fire.

An important aspect of this festival is the element of transformation. During dark times there is a need to transform our thinking and become inwardly alive so that we may do the inner work being requested of us. As seeds begin in the dark, so too the darkness in our lives provides fertile ground for new growth within us.

During school time our children learn about strengthening and keeping their inner flame alive; about the warmth of togetherness and the power of creativity. These are soul needs which are being met. This education is so precious and so valuable. Thank you Imhoff Waldorf School for your beautiful gifts to our children . . .

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