At the end of the second term, after much deliberation, with factors involved that are now familiar to most, the decision was reached to cap our school at class 10. This means that for 2018 and beyond, Imhoff Waldorf School will offer Parent and Child Circle, Toddler Group, Playgroup, Kindergarten, Primary School and classes 8, […]
A reminder that we are accepting enrolments for Classes 8, 9 and 10 for 2018 onwards. The high school faculty, College of Teachers and Board of Management are working hard on our transition to the new offering in 2018. It was difficult for everyone to live with the uncertainty leading up to our decision at […]
Ramen Sag en lig ‘n Oseaan in my noedelbakkie Sagte spinasie wieg soos seewier My lepel, die duikboot, soek diep vir skatte A-ha! ‘n Vars pienk garnaal swem deur. Hy skuil agter die ‘n wortel! My lepel bring skatte, ryker as seerowers, wortels, vis, bok choi, ui, spinasie en krullerige inkvis! Laat ons nie vergeet […]