Living Language: Literacy Development in Waldorf early Childhood Education

“We are not made of atoms, we are made of stories.” – Dr. Linda Williams, From Orality to Literacy Conference, Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto, November 2011 Introduction In his book, A is for Ox: the Collapse of Literacy and the Rise of Violence in an Electronic Age, Dr. Barry Sanders contends that in order to attain […]

First Grade Readiness

When a Waldorf teacher looks at a 6-year-old child to determine if he is ready for first grade, age cut-off is only the beginning. The teacher must consider physical, social/emotional, and intellectual development, all of which point to a fundamental shift in consciousness from the kindergarten child. Rudolf Steiner, founder of Waldorf Education, says that […]

Class 4s Present “Sif and Loki” from the Norse Mythology

The Norse legends come from Northern Europe including Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The pagan gods of the Norse people often represented forces of nature. Being a Waldorf school teacher from Norway, I find it fascinating that Norse mythology has found its way to the south of Africa. These timeless stories of powerful yet fallible gods offer […]

Understanding Eurythmy in the Classroom

The inclusion of the subject Eurythmy through all grades is an essential feature of Waldorf schools. Eurythmy is a highly refined movement art which nourishes the children’s sense of well-being and aids other learning areas by strengthening expressive capacities, improving balance, coordination, concentration, rhythm, and awareness of patterns. The group forms help foster healthy class […]

Want to know about Waldorf Education in the Pre-School?

Pre-School Visit Day on Wednesday 8 August. Caroline’s Kindergarten class will be open to observe the Eurythmy Lesson and quiet time from 9.45 – 10.45am.       Pre-School Open Day on Saturday 18 August. Experience a “spring ring” and learn more about the rythym of the day from 9-11am. All internal sibling applications for Toddler Group […]

School Structures at Imhoff Waldorf

SCHOOL STRUCTURES AT IMHOFF WALDORF The school operates on a mandate system whereby groups of committed persons are mandated to  fulfill certain responsibilities. Parents are encouraged to give of their time, either to these groups or to specific projects that arise from time to time. PRE-SCHOOL AND PRIMARY SCHOOL FACULTIES Pre-School (which comprises of the […]